Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Time for an Update

It's been awhile since I blogged...prob should do an updated post! Since I last posted we now have a Toddler! Our baby girl is now 13 months old! Time is going way too fast...people told us it would. I just want her to stay little. I love the baby/toddler stage! Not only am I certain that I will have Empty Nest Syndrome one day...I think I will be lost if I don't have little ones in the house. And let me clarify...there is not any plans of having another biological child in the near future! I would however take a baby/toddler/child from many countries if God would let me! Not sure my hubby is okay with that many children but I AM! ;) He says one more (adopted), so I say two more (adopted)! ;) Then, he gives me a look! ;) ANYWAYS- Miss princess has started walking-takes 4 or 5 steps then crawls bc she knows she can get to where she is going  a lot faster! She likes people..some people at a distance and some are allowed up in her face! She has 2 cute besties that come to our home for daycare and the cutest little redheaded boyfriend...She is in love! ;) But he has lots of girls who are crazy about him...He is the Daycare Prince Charming! Princess enjoys going to church on Friday nights...YES  I said Friday nights.. UNCONVENTIONAL right??? We have been attending a church plant in the city park lead by some of my favs from my home church. They are truly taking the Truth to places where some are unwilling to go! And guess what??? The Unconventional is reaching people for Christ that probably would be frowned upon in many churches! Praise God for Churches who are able to do church the conventional way and yet be Christ-like!  Princess also likes going to my home church on Sunday mornings...she loves the nursery! She gets to spend time with Mamaw and Mami and all the other sweeties that love on the babies! On Wed. nights she attends the best Prayer group ever...and I mean ever!!!..with mommy and daddy led by Dr.Bob! She is the youngest one there. We are thankful that the older people love having her in there and don't fret when she acts like the toddler that she is!! Princess has lots of family and friends who love on her, and mommy and daddy are thankful for that!!! For the last several months my Man and I have been praying, thinking, praying, talking with the godly people in our lives! We have been seeking the Creator of the Universe, our Father- looking to Him to show us what is next! For months He kept saying "Be Still"... the spaz that I am kept saying... what do you mean "Be Still"?!?! and He kept saying it again and again, "Be Still"...But GOD???... "Be Still" "Let Go, Brooke!" For those of you who are spazzzzy, control freaks like me get how hard it  is to really "Be Still" and "LET GO"! Eventually I gave up the wrestling match with the I AM! Yes...I am the stupid sheep who tries to wrestle with the I AM!!!!! Can we say ignorant!!!! Thankfully His grace is enough...for real!!! Thankful that God sees me as who I will be one day not as I am!  Recently we have had God nudging us, pointing us to what He has instore for our family next! We asked Him to speak through our godly mentors in our lives, we prayed that He would speak to us through the scriptures, prayer etc! The Bible says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." James 1:5   I can't hardly wait to tell you what the King of KINGS, Lord of LORDS has been showing us...what He has planned!!! But for now it will have to wait until another post in the future!!! :) For now it is a secret!!!  Please be praying for our family and praying for others who may end up joining us in this WiLd rIde of a FAITH journey!!!!


  1. Not sure what we would have done without Mami and Mamaw! They still rescue us even with older kids!

    Glad you guys are a part of Friday nights!

    Glad you are rebellious too!

  2. Praying Girl! I cannot wait to see what God has in store!
