Something else I am looking forward to this year is our family doing family worship each night. Our nightly family worship time looks like this:
- 2-3 songs: The Mr. leads us in worship on his guitar. K-B plays random "B" instruments. I play whatever "B" instrument that K-B decides I need to play! ;) It truly is a sweet time of worship! (we got the "B" brand instruments from Target incase you would like some too! Although pots and pans would work well too! A joyful noise it is!)
- Prayer- We discuss prayer request and praises. We all hold hands and each one prays together as a family. Hearing K-B say "Hi God! I wuv you JEEESUS! AAAAMENN!" is so precious! The Spelling of her prayer is exactly how she says it! MELTS. MY. HEART.
- We talk about our catechism and Memory Verse.
- Read Jesus Storybook Bible
- Then we put K-B to bed
- Once K-B is all tucked in, the Mr. and I talk about our reading from our Daily Bible.
- After that, we have prayer together! (praying together with your spouse can be awkward at first, but overtime becomes natural! I love holding hands with my sweet hubby as we seek God together! As my bible study leader from my home church, Dr. Bob O says "It is the best love making you can ever make with your spouse!")
Week at a Glance:
Sunday Nights- Introduce new catechism & memory verse for the week AND Family Worship.
Monday Nights- Family Worship
Tuesday Nights- Family Worship
Wednesday Night- after church Family Worship
Thursday Night- Family Worship
Friday Night- Family Worship
Saturday Night- Jesus Storybook Bible (read the specific story listed in the bulletin) & Special Treats
*we want to make learning and reading the Bible fun! SO Saturday nights is the night we have something special! Thinking about making plates together that we will use only on Special Treat Saturdays. Our special treats will be cookies, cupcakes, brownies, ice cream or something else that is a treat for us! Saturday nights will be a celebration!!!
There is not only one right way to do family worship and I am sure there are many out there who do it better. This is just what works for our family! Hopefully it will help as you think through family worship, and what works best for your family!!!!!