We are partially moved in on seminary campus! Have I mentioned how I HATE packing.unpacking. boxes.moving messes.etc?!?! You would think by now I'd be used to it! I say this everytime we move but I am not sure how we end up with so much excess! I seriously get rid of TONS of STUFF everytime we move! This move was especially eye opening because God has us in a one bedroom apartment on campus! SO I knew prior to moving we were going to have to give away extras that were given to us! We have been very blessed. Some very sweet people have been very generous and gracious towards us on our WiLd RiDe of a FAITH journey! Most of everything we own has been given to us (other than one couch and one recliner). That is how God has provided for us! I can honestly say God can decorate a house way better than I ever could have!!!... Even down to cute decorative items! Who says God doesn't care about the small things in life?! "Seek first His kingdom and His rightousness and all of these things will be added unto you!"-Matthew 6:33
The beginning of this year...Mark D. -the youth pastor at my home church- challenged the church to pick a word for a year. So I went home and prayed and asked God to show me the word He wanted for me this year. The word simplistic kept popping in my head! Through out the year God has been teaching me simplicity. He has taught me the beauty of simplicity-I can't wait to share with you in future posts. Life living at the seminary in our one bedroom apartment is truly simplistic. It is peaceful. We are excited to learn, grow, make forever friends, and to continue on in our WiLd RiDe of a FAITH journey. Coming here after being on staff at two different churches makes us appreciate our time here I believe more than we would have when we were younger! It is neat having various age groups here, all with the same goal of making disciples of all nations!!!
" Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20
*sometime in the near future I will have to have a blog post and pictures of organizing a one bedroom apartment with a toddler! interesting!
"If you really want to be a rebel, read your Bible, because no one's doing that. That's rebellion. That's the only rebellion left!," ~Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Happy 4th Anniversary!!!! Our Love Story~
My hubby and I met at a Disciple Now at his home church! One of my friend's friend was the youth pastor at the time. At the last minute the youth pastor needed some D-Now leaders, if I remember correctly I think the ones that were supposed to lead couldn't make it or something like that. So I got asked to help. My hubby was the worship leader and I was the high school girls leader.
Funny story- The 1st night they introduced the leaders (my hubby was in the gym during this time) and I guess after they introduced the leaders one of the high school boys that my hubby mentored came running up to him jumped on his lap informed my hubby that he just met his future wife, then jumped off his lap ran around the gym bouncing off the walls like usual! lol
One of the days that my hubby led worship I remember thinking there was something different about him! I thought he was really cute too!! :) But I was too shy to talk to him. He was too shy to talk to me as well! Infact, he was SO shy it took him a WHOLE YEAR to even talk to me!
Finally a year later and he asked me if I wanted to hang out. The 2nd time we hung out we watched a movie and played hang-man. When we played hang-man he asked me out on a date. The 1st time I didn't get it b/c I wasn't sure if it was just words he was using as part of the game or if he was really asking me out?!....so I didn't say anything!!! He asked me the same question for the SECOND time, and I said "OF COURSE"! He took me putt-putting on our first date and on our second date he took me to watch the Dark Knight! ( In Four years of marriage he has made me a comic nerd! I now look forward to when his favorite movies come out!)
With-in a month of our 1st date he asked me to marry him with a paper ring he made! ;) He later gave me a real ring during a candle lit dinner! With us having a fast engagement-we were nervous to tell some people! We were nervous to tell my home church Pastor b/c he was like another dad and we were also nervous to tell Pastor Don who was the pastor of the 1st church my hubby was on staff with! I wasn't nervous to tell Bob O though.. who is also like a spirtual parent to me..I knew he prayed so much for me that he would have peace! We weren't really nervous about telling our family or friends! We knew they would all be happy for us!
I remember us being SO nervous when we were on the way to tell Pastor Don we were engaged! I stayed in my hubby's truck and when he went in to tell him-Pastor Don was like Don't worry Brother I asked my wife to marry me the 1st week we started dating! (Apparently Pastor Don knew sweet Miss Beth was a keeper!) We were so relieved that Pastor Don was okay with our fast engagement!-My hubby especially was b/c Pastor Don knew my hubby since he was little! My hubby has a lot of respect for him-he taught my hubby a lot about ministry!
When we told my home church Pastor, he was a little skeptical at 1st! He wasn't so sure about it!!! After his "Marraige Counseling Boot Camp" as I call it-He had peace! (Seriously though if you want great marriage counseling Pastor Bob is great at it! At the time I
We got married on November 1, 2008 at my home church by Pastor Bob! My hubby even wrote a song for me and sang it as I walked down the aisle! We had our reception at the family life center at the church my hubby was on staff at!!! The day was very sweet!!!
Since day one we have been inseperable! God has truly blessed me with a sweeter love and marriage than I ever imagined! My hubby is truly the love of my life! He is precious to me!!! I love sharing this life with him!!! I definitely do not deserve him, he is a gift from God! The gift that he is to me, is a constant reminder of God's love and grace!!! He daily shows me the love of our Father! We don't have a perfect marriage-we have our ups and downs like every couple!!! but we DO have a perfect God who we invite to be at the center of our marriage!!! I can honestly say after 4 years of marriage I love my hubby more today than when we got married!!!
I love this Scripture it was on our wedding invitations:
"Place me like a seal over your heart,like a seal on your arm;
for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave.
It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.
Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away.
~Song of Soloman 8:6-7
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Finding Faith
When I was in middle school and high school I used to LOVE
cheerleading! I used to eat, sleep, and
breathe cheerleading. I used to practice
cheers everywhere I went… in the aisle of the grocery store while my mom was
getting groceries, in the hair salon where she worked at, in our living room,
in the car, etc! I cheered 8th -11th grade.
I wanted to be a cheerleader in 7th grade but I was too shy to try
out! I was NOT shy around friends, family, people I was close to though! I was
also terrified to be in front of crowds (still am!) -- not quite sure how
cheerleading and I worked out! ;) However, I am eternally thankful it did
because through cheerleading I accepted Christ as Savior. In high school one of
my cheerleading coaches was a Christian. Joyce wasn’t a pushy Christian or weird
one or anything..she simply lived a Christ-like life out before my eyes in
great times and in heart breaking times! I knew I wanted whatever it was she
had! One weekend I stayed with her and her daughter who was also a cheerleader,
because my mom had to be out of town. Joyce invited me to church. I went and to
my surprise the pastor wasn’t boring, the church people there weren’t weird..it
wasn’t as BAD as I thought! Side note: I
went to church camp when I was around 10 or 11 years old with my childhood best
friends and IT WAS NOT FUN! And yes I thought all of the people were dorky and weird! Anyways through Joyce inviting
me to church I eventually accepted Christ as savior in high school and then in
college chose to make Him Lord of my life! Some people do that all at the same
time, me on the other hand am a little slow. It all clicked a few years later! I like many people
through my younger years made a lot of dumb decisions! I failed a lot but
thankfully God is faithful everyday and His grace is everlasting!!! Thankfully
God loves us right where we are no matter what we have done or where we have
“You see, at just the right time, when we
were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous
person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die.
But God demonstrates his own love for us
in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” ~ Romans 5:6-8
“But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities; the
punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” ~ Isaiah 53:5
By the way God definitely has a sense of humor...I would have never in a million years dreamed that I would one day grow up to be one of those dorky christian women, nor would I have ever imagined a life being on a WiLd RiDe of a FAITH Journey and married to a pastor. Who would have thought I'd ever end up LOVING church camp and ministry!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Secret To Be Told
As I told you in my last post that I would one day get to share with you, what the King of KINGS, Lord of LORDS, our Savior- has been showing us! Well today is the day!!!
When God called us out of our last place in ministry we began praying and asking God to show us what is next! As I told you in my last post, for awhile He kept telling us to “Be Still”. SO during this we took the time to pray, learn, grow, DETOX from ministry ~YES you heard me! Sadly ministry can be toxic on ministry families! We have had both great experiences in ministry and not so great experiences! And in BOTH cases at times you still have to detox yourself because of jUnK from yourself and others!!! During this time we have also been SPONGES when we are around our godly mentors such as Dr. Bob O, my home church pastor Bob W, The Dearings, Mrs. Bev, The Oliphants, ohhh the list could go on and on and ON!! If you can’t tell we are very blessed to have many godly leaders in our lives and I could have a whole blog post just listing them all. I feel like one of the best qualities of my home church is they are good at discipleship!!!
“My Man”and I first got married, we both knew that one day he would be a part of
church planting in some way. “My Man” knew when he was young that he would be
in full-time ministry when he was older. He has always had a burden for church
planting and a passion to be an instrument to help transform the Church to be
more Christ-like. We always joke about this, but “My Man” will tell you that he
was that teenager who would always stand up in business meetings annoyed when
things were not simplistically biblical!- makes me Laugh Out Loud-for real! ;)
This year “My Man” and I started visiting a new church plant on Friday nights
led by some sweeties from my home church. God started burdening our hearts for
church planting. We began praying for a map for the U.S. that had “the least
reached cities in U.S” .We looked and looked online and couldn’t find any. One
night in bible study Dr. Bob asked“My Man” to lead the group because he was not
going to be there, and I kid you not- in walks one of the ladies with a map from
the NAMB!!!! Now you must know this part. We had yet to tell ANYONE the burden
God was putting on our hearts! We continued to pray that God would speak
through prayer, His word, our mentors, etc-The next Wed. night Bob O randomly
said, “If you are called to church planting- you better go church plant, you
don’t need Bob O’s opinion!”and then he proceeded talking about whatever else
he was talking about! :) “My Man” and I looked at each other knowing we hadn’t
told ANYONE yet what we were thinking, and seriously about fell off our
seats!!! :)
God kept using scriptures, sermons, and blogs to give us a huge, passionate burden for church planting. We eventually decided we needed to tell people bc we never want to be outside of God’s will. SO we told the godliest people we knew. We even asked some people to join us! ;) We looked on the map from the NAMB- and picked one of the least reached areas in the US. And South Florida is 96 % unchurched- meaning that only FOUR % attends some kind of church. NOW the scary part is that 4% includes churches that are not doctrinally sound. There were hardly any Southern Baptist Churches. We started thinking that God was going to have us go to south Florida and plant as soon as our contract with our rental property was up. The last time I posted we thought the next part of our faith journey would be church planting.
During this time God also placed it on our hearts to have “My Man” finish his degree. But we were confused bc we had very, clear answered prayers. Inwardly our hearts were torn- Church Plant or Finish Degree?!?! My home church pastor, came to my hubby and shared with him a burden that God has placed on his heart, and felt like “My Man” was to be a part of it with some other men. The only thing was, that if he was to be a part of it, the timing would be very close to when we thought God was going to send us to Church Plant. SO we knew we needed to keep praying! And we did! Through prayer we realized WE had confused our housing contract end date with God’s timing! Prayer helped us to see that YES, “My Man” was supposed to finish his degree first, while also serving & sharing my home church pastor’s burden along with the other men! And DOWN THE ROAD church plant or be on staff in a church that helps church plant..WHATEVER the case we know we will be involved in church planting in some fashion!
My hubby will finish his degree at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary that he started when he was fresh out of high school. We will live on campus. He will work on his degree through the week and will continue working his secular job on the weekends. While we were on SBTS’ website we found they now also have a church planting resource! God is good! I love how he faithfully answers prayer!!! We are thankful He didn’t let our timing get ahead of His!!! “My Man” and I never want to get in God’s way or be too early or miss it altogether!!! We are excited for what God has instore! We know and have known that whether we are in school, ministry, secular work, wherever- our calling is what Isaiah 61 says. We know we are supposed to live REBELLIOUSLY no matter where this WiLd rIdE of a FAITH journey leads.
God kept using scriptures, sermons, and blogs to give us a huge, passionate burden for church planting. We eventually decided we needed to tell people bc we never want to be outside of God’s will. SO we told the godliest people we knew. We even asked some people to join us! ;) We looked on the map from the NAMB- and picked one of the least reached areas in the US. And South Florida is 96 % unchurched- meaning that only FOUR % attends some kind of church. NOW the scary part is that 4% includes churches that are not doctrinally sound. There were hardly any Southern Baptist Churches. We started thinking that God was going to have us go to south Florida and plant as soon as our contract with our rental property was up. The last time I posted we thought the next part of our faith journey would be church planting.
During this time God also placed it on our hearts to have “My Man” finish his degree. But we were confused bc we had very, clear answered prayers. Inwardly our hearts were torn- Church Plant or Finish Degree?!?! My home church pastor, came to my hubby and shared with him a burden that God has placed on his heart, and felt like “My Man” was to be a part of it with some other men. The only thing was, that if he was to be a part of it, the timing would be very close to when we thought God was going to send us to Church Plant. SO we knew we needed to keep praying! And we did! Through prayer we realized WE had confused our housing contract end date with God’s timing! Prayer helped us to see that YES, “My Man” was supposed to finish his degree first, while also serving & sharing my home church pastor’s burden along with the other men! And DOWN THE ROAD church plant or be on staff in a church that helps church plant..WHATEVER the case we know we will be involved in church planting in some fashion!
My hubby will finish his degree at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary that he started when he was fresh out of high school. We will live on campus. He will work on his degree through the week and will continue working his secular job on the weekends. While we were on SBTS’ website we found they now also have a church planting resource! God is good! I love how he faithfully answers prayer!!! We are thankful He didn’t let our timing get ahead of His!!! “My Man” and I never want to get in God’s way or be too early or miss it altogether!!! We are excited for what God has instore! We know and have known that whether we are in school, ministry, secular work, wherever- our calling is what Isaiah 61 says. We know we are supposed to live REBELLIOUSLY no matter where this WiLd rIdE of a FAITH journey leads.
We are learning how important prayer is!
Prayer is definitely KEY! :)
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,because the Lord has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God,
to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.
They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated;
they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.
Strangers will shepherd your flocks; foreigners will work your fields and vineyards.
And you will be called priests of the Lord, you will be named ministers of our God.
You will feed on the wealth of nations and in their riches you will boast. Instead of your shame
you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance.
And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.
they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.
Strangers will shepherd your flocks; foreigners will work your fields and vineyards.
And you will be called priests of the Lord, you will be named ministers of our God.
You will feed on the wealth of nations and in their riches you will boast. Instead of your shame
you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance.
And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.
that they are a people the Lord has blessed.” I delight greatly in the Lord;
my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation
and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest,
and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. For as the soil makes the sprout come up
and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness
and praise spring up before all nations."
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Time for an Update
It's been awhile since I blogged...prob should do an updated post! Since I last posted we now have a Toddler! Our baby girl is now 13 months old! Time is going way too fast...people told us it would. I just want her to stay little. I love the baby/toddler stage! Not only am I certain that I will have Empty Nest Syndrome one day...I think I will be lost if I don't have little ones in the house. And let me clarify...there is not any plans of having another biological child in the near future! I would however take a baby/toddler/child from many countries if God would let me! Not sure my hubby is okay with that many children but I AM! ;) He says one more (adopted), so I say two more (adopted)! ;) Then, he gives me a look! ;) ANYWAYS- Miss princess has started walking-takes 4 or 5 steps then crawls bc she knows she can get to where she is going a lot faster! She likes people..some people at a distance and some are allowed up in her face! She has 2 cute besties that come to our home for daycare and the cutest little redheaded boyfriend...She is in love! ;) But he has lots of girls who are crazy about him...He is the Daycare Prince Charming! Princess enjoys going to church on Friday nights...YES I said Friday nights.. UNCONVENTIONAL right??? We have been attending a church plant in the city park lead by some of my favs from my home church. They are truly taking the Truth to places where some are unwilling to go! And guess what??? The Unconventional is reaching people for Christ that probably would be frowned upon in many churches! Praise God for Churches who are able to do church the conventional way and yet be Christ-like! Princess also likes going to my home church on Sunday mornings...she loves the nursery! She gets to spend time with Mamaw and Mami and all the other sweeties that love on the babies! On Wed. nights she attends the best Prayer group ever...and I mean ever!!!..with mommy and daddy led by Dr.Bob! She is the youngest one there. We are thankful that the older people love having her in there and don't fret when she acts like the toddler that she is!! Princess has lots of family and friends who love on her, and mommy and daddy are thankful for that!!! For the last several months my Man and I have been praying, thinking, praying, talking with the godly people in our lives! We have been seeking the Creator of the Universe, our Father- looking to Him to show us what is next! For months He kept saying "Be Still"... the spaz that I am kept saying... what do you mean "Be Still"?!?! and He kept saying it again and again, "Be Still"...But GOD???... "Be Still" "Let Go, Brooke!" For those of you who are spazzzzy, control freaks like me get how hard it is to really "Be Still" and "LET GO"! Eventually I gave up the wrestling match with the I AM! Yes...I am the stupid sheep who tries to wrestle with the I AM!!!!! Can we say ignorant!!!! Thankfully His grace is enough...for real!!! Thankful that God sees me as who I will be one day not as I am! Recently we have had God nudging us, pointing us to what He has instore for our family next! We asked Him to speak through our godly mentors in our lives, we prayed that He would speak to us through the scriptures, prayer etc! The Bible says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all
without finding fault, and it will be given to him." James 1:5 I can't hardly wait to tell you what the King of KINGS, Lord of LORDS has been showing us...what He has planned!!! But for now it will have to wait until another post in the future!!! :) For now it is a secret!!! Please be praying for our family and praying for others who may end up joining us in this WiLd rIde of a FAITH journey!!!!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
2011 has been another WiLd RiDe of a FAITH journey! It was everything BUT uninteresting! This year 'My Man and I have been in war!..."A REAL war, a WAR for sOuLs of men!" as Bob O would say! We have witnessed God perform miracles right before our eyes!!!! We have also watched the enemy try to "steal, kill, and destroy" John 10:10...Yet all the while, God's mighty hand was in control of eVeRyThInG!... including the puppet-satan himself!
In ministry I watched God use 'My Man' for the Kingdom in powerful ways!!! I was & am blessed beyond measure to stand alongside of him-- to serve and help in ministry in anyway possible! I watched God use my hubby, by taking a very spiritually dead youth group into an amazing group of students who rededicated their lives to Christ and some who met Him for the very first time! As 'My Man' taught them scriptures and led them by example, -I watched students who went from just coming to church on Sundays, BECAUSE THATS WHAT WE DO ON SUNDAYS!... to students who wanted more of the GOD of the UNIVERSE to be invloved in their lives! Watching them COLLIDE with their CREATOR was every bit of a miracle! 'My Man' got to baptize some of the precious students on his birthday~ Talk about a "Happy Birthday!!!! Love, GOD" kind of blessing that was for him!!! They were the very first students he has ever baptized!! Satan thought he'd throw in a funny one in during this time to try to STEAL the joy!..but the scheme didn't work~ just makes us laugh! A person wouldn't allow their teen to be baptized because 'My Man' wasn't ordained! So somehow I guess that would make their childs baptism not legit???!!! LOL... I wonder if John the Baptist, who baptized JESUS himself...the WiLd CRAZY looking man of the wilderness, who loved him some locusts... was ordained??? I wonder if his LACK OF ordination made the baptisms he performed not legit??? The irony is that the religious/ legalistic leaders of the day interrogated him too!!! (side note-I'm sorry if anyone finds my blog offensive, but my motto after this past year is~ speak Truth always--NO MATTER THE COST and when sin needs called out... CALL IT OUT!!!! Us christians need to stop worrying about stepping on toes, get REAL, STOP playing church & get back to the scriptures!!! Forget this don't want to be offensive crap--Let's face it: THE CROSS IS OFFENSIVE!!!.......... "Wounds from a friend can be trusted but an enemy multiplies kisses." Proverbs 27:6)
That particular scheme wasn't the only CrAzY idea of a scheme that satan tried this past year. We experienced MANY trials in ministry, but all of them just made us more bold and determined to speak the Scriptures no matter what the cost was!!! The cool thing was how when satan thought he knocked us down God put a whole slew of ppl to stand along side of us and support us thru the trials! A big lesson I learned this year is that God sends people to certain missionfields, and there will be times in ministry when only SOME people who recieve the Truths...but just like what Jesus says in Matt. 10:14-15 "If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgement..."
After God called us out of our last place of ministry, He sent us back home with fam and friends which some have went thru very similar things in ministry! Def. has been a huge blessing to us! God immediately gave Brad a secular job, and has even opened up ministry opportunities as well! God had us live with fam for a short time, and on our 3rd anniversary we moved in our cute home that we are renting! It feels very homey!
The BEST thing that has happened to us this year is-- on MAY 10,2011, God gave us Kaeley-Belle! She is proof of God's faithfulness and grace! From the day we found out we were pregnant with her...God has shown us that He is in the miracle making business! She def. has God's autograph written all over her story! I couldn't even keep down vitamins--not even kids vitamins! And those of you who know my diet of fries and mac n cheese are def. not the healthiest!!! We def. thank God for her, and feel blessed beyond measure that He has allowed us to be her parents!!!!! She is sassy, strong willed, full of love, has joy overflowing, and def. has a unique "Kaeley-Belle quirkiness!" She SHINES for Him already! I can see in her eyes that He has HUGE plans for her!!! Our love for her is indescribable!!!!
The Truth that God never leaves or forsakes His, has been evident in our journey in 2011! Even though we faced many trials, through God's grace and faithfulness, HE carried us through them all! I'm excited to see what God has planned for the next part of our faith journey this new year!!!!
In ministry I watched God use 'My Man' for the Kingdom in powerful ways!!! I was & am blessed beyond measure to stand alongside of him-- to serve and help in ministry in anyway possible! I watched God use my hubby, by taking a very spiritually dead youth group into an amazing group of students who rededicated their lives to Christ and some who met Him for the very first time! As 'My Man' taught them scriptures and led them by example, -I watched students who went from just coming to church on Sundays, BECAUSE THATS WHAT WE DO ON SUNDAYS!... to students who wanted more of the GOD of the UNIVERSE to be invloved in their lives! Watching them COLLIDE with their CREATOR was every bit of a miracle! 'My Man' got to baptize some of the precious students on his birthday~ Talk about a "Happy Birthday!!!! Love, GOD" kind of blessing that was for him!!! They were the very first students he has ever baptized!! Satan thought he'd throw in a funny one in during this time to try to STEAL the joy!..but the scheme didn't work~ just makes us laugh! A person wouldn't allow their teen to be baptized because 'My Man' wasn't ordained! So somehow I guess that would make their childs baptism not legit???!!! LOL... I wonder if John the Baptist, who baptized JESUS himself...the WiLd CRAZY looking man of the wilderness, who loved him some locusts... was ordained??? I wonder if his LACK OF ordination made the baptisms he performed not legit??? The irony is that the religious/ legalistic leaders of the day interrogated him too!!! (side note-I'm sorry if anyone finds my blog offensive, but my motto after this past year is~ speak Truth always--NO MATTER THE COST and when sin needs called out... CALL IT OUT!!!! Us christians need to stop worrying about stepping on toes, get REAL, STOP playing church & get back to the scriptures!!! Forget this don't want to be offensive crap--Let's face it: THE CROSS IS OFFENSIVE!!!.......... "Wounds from a friend can be trusted but an enemy multiplies kisses." Proverbs 27:6)
That particular scheme wasn't the only CrAzY idea of a scheme that satan tried this past year. We experienced MANY trials in ministry, but all of them just made us more bold and determined to speak the Scriptures no matter what the cost was!!! The cool thing was how when satan thought he knocked us down God put a whole slew of ppl to stand along side of us and support us thru the trials! A big lesson I learned this year is that God sends people to certain missionfields, and there will be times in ministry when only SOME people who recieve the Truths...but just like what Jesus says in Matt. 10:14-15 "If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that home or town. I tell you the truth, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgement..."
After God called us out of our last place of ministry, He sent us back home with fam and friends which some have went thru very similar things in ministry! Def. has been a huge blessing to us! God immediately gave Brad a secular job, and has even opened up ministry opportunities as well! God had us live with fam for a short time, and on our 3rd anniversary we moved in our cute home that we are renting! It feels very homey!
The BEST thing that has happened to us this year is-- on MAY 10,2011, God gave us Kaeley-Belle! She is proof of God's faithfulness and grace! From the day we found out we were pregnant with her...God has shown us that He is in the miracle making business! She def. has God's autograph written all over her story! I couldn't even keep down vitamins--not even kids vitamins! And those of you who know my diet of fries and mac n cheese are def. not the healthiest!!! We def. thank God for her, and feel blessed beyond measure that He has allowed us to be her parents!!!!! She is sassy, strong willed, full of love, has joy overflowing, and def. has a unique "Kaeley-Belle quirkiness!" She SHINES for Him already! I can see in her eyes that He has HUGE plans for her!!! Our love for her is indescribable!!!!
The Truth that God never leaves or forsakes His, has been evident in our journey in 2011! Even though we faced many trials, through God's grace and faithfulness, HE carried us through them all! I'm excited to see what God has planned for the next part of our faith journey this new year!!!!
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